Category: Sounds

title for blog cópia2 Info: If anyone remembers at some point i did a video with a custom ending for myself, since it received such good commentaries i decided to remake the ending images to appeal a more broad public.
My ending contains a humar fan art in the corner and i assume many out there don’t want to see my humar in the credits, so i tasked myself to redo the images without the humar  a very long time ago, but in the end i never actually did, until today.
I admit it was laziness on my part, but today i decided that i needed to add something to my blog so i decided to get it done, in the end it was faster than i tought, i imagined that i would have to redo the entire image, but instead i simply blocked the humar image with part of the wallpaper i used.
I did oddly enough encountered the same issues as when i did these images for the 1st time, for a reason i was unaware the transparent area (that was pitch black) kept being changed to this grid of black lines and white squares after saving as a .pvr image, this confused me but in the end it was simply the “texture type” that created this, after changing this to another type the black (transparent area) was finally black, this enables you to see the ending images without anything blocking it.

In any case this ending uses .pvr images that are ARGB 1555, in other words the best outcome possible.
I also changed other ending files (normal/hard/very hard) so that the background image used matches the one used in all endings when no ending image is being displayed, the ending images however were kept the same, this is because in some of them your char will appear as a layer and obviously i didn’t want to place an image that didn’t fit.

The ultimate ending (the one in the video) only shows images and so I changed all of them to some of my screenshots that I have taken in the past, creating a new ending.
The music also changed. Note that by downloading this, you will not change the font of the names or the font of the titles, one of the fonts can be found here as a separate download and the other one was an experiment of mine and requires some tweaking, you also won’t change the ending images of the 1st 3 difficulties, the background images do change, but the ending images themselves will not.
The background images are a bit pale, they don’t seem like that in the video or the screenshots because I used bloom, want the same vibrant and colorful experience, check this.

Version: PSO V2

Installation: Drop the PSO Folder into the media folder in your Phantasy star online installation, usually in X:\xxxxxxxx\SEGA\PhantasyStarOnline or navigate to the single files and drop them manually in the PSO folder and in the SoundBGM\22 if you want the new ending music.


Screens: (text font not included)

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Video: This video is the ending video i did a while back containing the new ultimate images ending, the background and the music, as you can see the background has a fan art image of my humar, but I’ve decided to remove it when doing a public release.

PSO 2 Menu sounds title

I guess this is simple, i recorded a few sounds on PSO2 and made them available for PSOv2, if you have better sounds or if you have any suggestions on the sounds i should use then just post a comment. I believe i used the correct sounds for the interface.

Game Version:
PSO V2 for PC


– Just place this folder into the PSO directory

– Or place the 5 sound files inside in


Mass effect 3 Sounds title

Something i wanted for some time, recorded the sounds in Mass Effect 3 and made them available for PSOv2

Game Version:
PSO V2 for PC


– Just place this folder into the PSO directory

– Or place the 5 sound files inside in


Regarding easter i do have an old blog post about it, it contained a nice rappy model that was introduced in later games, but the link is outdated and i never tought i would do more changes to the gsl files, so in short there are 3 files, 2 gsl files that cover forest 1 and forest 2 respectively on the 1st 3 difficulties and the model itself incase you want ultimate rappies changed.
This is an old graphical mod and does not change names, stats or behavior of rappies, they simply look like the egg rappies.

– Kra

– By copying
If you do not desire to mess with the gsl files and want just a copy and paste procedure then use the file in the download section.
Select the gsl files and the bml file, replace the files in X:\xxxxxxxxxx\SEGA\PhantasyStarOnline\Media\PSO

If you have other mods, like the blood mod or the pso2 rappy mod (contains a rare rappy skin), then this will erase those mods, if you want manual changes then use the bml included in this download and update the gsl files manually.
Keep in mind that manual installation will change normal, hard and vhard rappies, for the ultimate rappies simply drop the bml in the X:\xxxxxxxxxx\SEGA\PhantasyStarOnline\Media\PSO

– Manual
You need a GSL updater:
You need the normal-vhard bml file:
You need the ultimate bml file:

Open the program and locate the GSL files in the pso directory (gsl_forest01.gsl and gsl_forest02.gsl)

Locate the files and make sure they are not as read only

Start by opening one of them “file > open”, you will see a list of files that these GSL files have, locate and select “bm_ene_lappy.bml”
Select “Content” and then “import”
Grab the file you downloaded
Select “File” and then “save” with the same name
Repeat the process for gsl_forest02.gsl

Download: (this one only requires you to paste the files in the correct directory, the gsl file updates were already made by me)



Something that i wanted for some time, ep3 menu sounds into PSO v2.
Unlike some sounds, these are used quite frequently when using any in-game menu , selecting options or items also trigger the sounds, so this adds a significant change to the game while maintaining a small file to download, hope you like it.

Original Topic: (contains attachment  to the download)

– Just place this folder into the PSO directory

– Or place the 4 sound files inside in

I don’t have a preview of the sounds, but there are lot’s of ep3 videos on youtube so you can check them out to see the different sounds.




Today received a wordpress email with some stats on the website, i rarely check them but this was quite nice, obviously i never expected someone to read the things i post here but i’m happy to know some ppl like the things i release.
I’ve decided to make these stats public.

This blog was viewed about 3,200 times in 2011.
Click here to see the complete report.

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